Welcome to this month’s roundup of the stories, updates and events happening across the World Technology Universities Network.
WTUN News:
- The WTUN will be attending the European Association for International Education (EAIE) 2024 in Toulouse, France this September.
WTUN Development Manager, Denise Whitehead, and WTUN Operational Board Chair, Dr Ciarán Ó hAnnracháin will be representing the network.
If you will be there and would like to connect, please contact Denise or Ciarán via the EAIE portal or at wtun@bradford.ac.uk.
WTUN Members Only:
- The WTUN is hosting ‘Meet our Members’ Networking Sessions on Wednesday 4 September, 2024:
Session 1: 09:00-11:00 (GMT+1)
Session 2: 14:00-16:00 (GMT+1)
In each session, members will introduce their institutions through a short presentation, providing details around their university’s mission, strategy, research centres and themes, collaborative opportunities, and key contacts.
To see the list of attending WTUN members, please visit the Webinars page here.
For any other queries, please contact WTUN Secretariat at wtun@bradford.ac.uk.
News from our Members:
Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology, India
- KIIT shares their ‘Knowledge Hub Series’ in which Professor Udai P. Singh delves into his groundbreaking work in the Photovoltaic Lab within the semiconductor industry. Watch the video to learn more about the research KIIT is undertaking to change the future of renewable energy. Watch the video here.
King Mongkut’s University in Technology Thonburi, Thailand
- KMUTT’s Joint Graduate School of Energy and Environment is hosting the 9th International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environment (SEE 2024). The conference will take place on 18-20 December 2024 in Bangkok, Thailand under the theme of ‘Securing a Sustainable Net-Zero Future Now’. They are accepting abstract submissions until 15 September 2024. Find out more about SEE 2024 Conference here.
Majan University College, Oman
- MUC have become the first higher education institution in Oman to be reaccredited by the Oman’s National Accreditation authority, Oman Authority for Academic Accreditation and Quality Assurance of Education (OAAAQA). Congratulations to our MUC colleagues! Read the full story here.
Mindanao State University, Philippines
- MSU will host the 12th ASEAN Universities International Conference on Islamic Finance (AICIF 2024), at the Luxe Hotel on 18-19 November 2024. The conference will convene under the following key themes: the pivotal role of Islamic finance, financial inclusion, and peace and stability. To find out more, visit here.
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
- NTUST is hosting the Sixth International Conference on Advances in Distributed Computing and Machine Learning (ICADCML) in Taipei, Taiwan on 09-10 January 2025. The conference will target emerging topics in relation to computing and machine learning and its application such as: Distributed Computing; Machine Learning; Cybersecurity; Quantum Computing. They are accepting paper submissions until the 22 September 2024. Find out more about ICADCML here.
- NTUST’s Professor Wang Ching-Wei, Director of their Graduate Institute of Biomedical Engineering, has developed a new AI model that can accurately identify and segment various types of lesions in CT scan images. The model is tailored for thoracoabdominal CT images, addressing the issue of high labor costs associated with manual annotation. Read the full story here.
- NTUST Team, ‘Let it Go, Let it Flow’ placed third in the WTUN Student Competition earlier this year. Their proposal featured an online feminine hygiene product inquiry and sharing app, focused on mutual aid and reciprocity. Read NTUST’s article about the team’s success here.
Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan
- SIT researchers have evaluated how unabsorbed polyphenols can regulate blood glucose levels and appetite. Polyphenols are commonly found in plant-based foods like fruits, vegetables, seeds, coffee and tea and characteristically have a strong, bitter taste. They are not absorbed by the body and are reported to improve glucose tolerance. Professor Osakabe and his colleagues are investigating the relationship between polyphenol intake and the risk of type II diabetes. Read the full story here.
Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand
- SUT’s Global Entrepreneurship Camp 2025 is now open for registrations. Taking place at SUT from 8-18 January 2025, successful applicants will enhance their entrepreneurship skills and collaborate with peers from across the world under the theme of ‘Sustainable and Resilient Communities: Innovating for a Healthier Planet and People’. Students enrolled on courses at other institutions are eligible to apply. Find out more here.
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia
- UTM shares their latest UTM Nexus research magazine. This issue’s theme is ‘Sustainable and Resilient Urbanisation’ with featured articles including, ‘Simply-City’ which explores sustainable and resilient urbanisation and development. Another featured article, ‘Malaysia’s Green Revolution’, discusses Malaysia’s progress towards a sustainable urban environment. Read the full issue here.
Atlantic Technological University, Ireland
- From the 1 August, ATU’s Operational Board Member, Dr Ciarán Ó hAnnracháin became Chair of the WTUN Operational Board. His appointment was published in an article by The Donegal Daily, an Irish news outlet. Read the full story here.
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Germany
- TU Ilmenau’s AI project, ‘KitchenGuard’, receives a 12-month EXIST start-up grant from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection and the European Union. ‘KitchenGuard’ is a cooking sensor which utilises AI to make cooking more intuitive. Uses include enhancing induction hobs to be able to automatically regulate the temperature when simmering or boiling water. Read the full story here.
- The Innovation Center for Quantum Optics and Sensor Technology (InQuoSens), based at TU Ilmenau and Friedrich Schiller University Jena, has received €6.26 million (EUR) to further develop technologies at the interface of photonics and sensor technology, making quantum phenomena usable and open to future markets. Read the full story here.
University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Austria
- From 5-7 September, The Expanded Animation conference, organised by FHOOE, will be held for the 12th time. The Conference will include lectures from experts discussing Interactive Experiences, AI and Speculative Futures, Hybrid Spaces, Extended Reality, Creative AI and Performance and Animation. The conference will be livestreamed on YouTube and all presentations will be archived online for free access after the conference. Read the full story here.
University of Newcastle, Australia
- Researchers at UON, in collaboration with colleagues at University of Sydney, have launched the Triple E Project through The Hunter Medical Research Institute’s (HMRI) Healthy Minds Research Program. The research study will aim to improve teenage engagement with health through apps which enable them to self-monitor health behaviours such as physical activity, diet, sleep, screen time, alcohol intake, smoking and vaping. This program seeks to address concerning statistics such as 86% of Australian teenagers are exceeding recommended screen time limits and 93% are not consuming sufficient fruits and vegetables. Read more about the study here.
- Researchers at UON have joined The Non-Animal Technologies Network which will support the development of innovative strategies to reduce the use of animals in medical research. The network is supported by a $4.5 million (AUD) package from the New South Wales government. Read the full story here.
- The National Health and Medical Research Council of Research Excellence in Digestive Health has awarded $3 million (AUD) to continue its work on finding causes of chronic unexplained gut diseases affecting more than one third of Australians. The Centre is led by UON Distinguished Laureate Professor Nick Talley, AC, a neurogastroenterologist, and is focused on improving quality of life to those suffering from disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome, functional dyspepsia and inflammatory bowel disease. Read the full story here.
To discuss joining the Network please contact the WTUN Development Manager
Denise Whitehead
Email: wtun@bradford.ac.uk