Dr Wei-Hwa Chiang

Dr. Chiang has authored and co-authored over 50 referred international journal papers and international conference papers. His research expertise spans from acoustical design to building sustainability. Over the past 23 years at National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan Tech / NTUST), he established a full range of acoustical testing and simulation facilities including laboratory testing chambers, field testing instruments, scale model testing devices, and computer modeling software packages. He has expanded his fields to include theoretical and practical research topics on passive and active control of cooling and ventilation since 2001. Current research facilities include an experimental radiant cooling system, an experimental ground source heat pump system, a remote thermal monitoring system with controls of shading and operable windows, and various thermal simulation packages such as Transys and scSTREAM CFD software packages. In recent years he has initiated emphasis on holistic approach that peruses technical excellence with thorough social-economic concerns. Long terms consequences have been considered involving building operation, renewal, and interactions among people and facility at a district level. Dr. Chiang currently serves as the Vice President of National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. He also supervises the Taiwan Building Technology Center that collaborates research teams from various departments of the university. He is a fellow of Architectural Institute of Taiwan.