Mike Houghton
As Managing Director, Mike is responsible for four business units within the Process Industries and Drives division. The focus areas within these units are growth, culture, strategy, productivity, stakeholder management, performance management, reporting and governance for the division, which comprises of around 300 employees.
In addition to being Managing Director of Process Industries and Drives, Mike is also a member of the Siemens Country Leadership Team, A supporter of the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) for Mersey Region (Incl. a board member of Liverpool SuperPort), a member of the IET Skills Policy Panel and Program lead for IFB2016 (International Festival for Business) for Siemens. Prior to this role, Mike has held a number of senior posts within Siemens UK; these included Divisional Director of Customer Services, General Management of Service Support and Training, General Manager of Industry Automation Solutions; Chemical & Pharmaceutical Sales Manager UK and Operations Manager for Process Industries UK.
Joining Siemens via the acquisition of Moore by Siemens in 2000, Mike was a member of Moore’s strategic management team based in USA Philadelphia. Initially selected for his knowledge in the project execution arena, but later expanded to oversee the roll out of processes and techniques that enabled Moore to service the market on an international basis.
Mike is a Chartered Engineer, Fellow of the Institute of Measurement & Control and a Member of the Institute of Engineering & Technology, with a Bachelor of Engineering Degree in Electrical, Electronic and Control Engineering.