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Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences

Operational Board Member

Professor Dr Klaus Pantke
Vice President For Research and Transfer

Institution's website

Location: Hamm, Germany (Europe)


Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences (HSHL) is based in the city of Hamm, Germany, with a second campus in the nearby town of Lippstadt. HSHL delivers practice-orientated and interdisciplinary teaching in small groups with a clear focus on current and future market requirements.

At HSHL, “Formulas are turned into applications. Applications are turned into research projects. Research projects are turned into products.” Practical relevance is key to the delivery of their programs, and companies are involved in teaching activities from internships, projects, or theses.

Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences’ Campus


Bachelor Degrees:

  • Applied Computer Science and Social Media, Business Administration, Intercultural Business Psychology, Technical Management and Marketing, Visual Computing and Design
  • Biomedical Engineering, Electronic Engineering Energy Engineering and Resource Optimization, Industrial Engineering with Business Studies
  • Environmental and Forensic Chemistry, Health Care and Sports Engineering, Intelligent Systems Design, Materials Science and Bionics, Mechatronics

Master Degrees:

  • Applied Biomedical Engineering, Business Systems Engineering
  • Biomedical Management and Marketing, Business Administration, Intercultural Business Psychology, Product and Asset Management, Product Development and Business Studies, Technical Consulting and Management, Technical Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  • Environmental and Hazardous Substance Analysis


HSHL prioritise research projects, the transfer of know-how and the promotion of specialized personnel as important components for strengthening the innovative capacity of companies. HSHL aspires to to identify market trends at an early stage and develop precisely tailored concepts.

HSHL has three research clusters, based on the challenges of the 21st century and reflecting the research policy of the European Union and the federal and state governments:

  • Sustainable Development
    • Bioeconomy
    • Energy Transition
    • Material Sciences
    • Optical Technolopgies
    • Sustainability and Digitalization
  • Industry 4.0 and Digitalization
    • Business Development
    • Man-Machine Interaction
    • Production and Industry 4.0
    • Safety and Security
    • Embedded Systems
  • Society
    • Medicine
    • Interculturality and Diversity


HSHL has worldwide formal cooperation agreements with universities in the following countries: Australia, Brail, China, Ghana, Israel, Jordan, Malaysia, Philippines, Russia, Serbia, Thailand, Ukraine, United States of America. HSHL also partakes in the Erasmus University charter with universities across Europe.

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