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Technische Universität Ilmenau

Operational Board Member

Professor Jens Müller
Vice President International Affairs and Transfer

Institution's website
Operational Board Member Photo

Location: Ilmenau, Germany (Europe)

Overview of the University

Technische Universität Ilmenau (TU Ilmenau), based in Ilmenau, Germany, has a long history, beginning in 1894 as a private educational institution, gaining Technical University Status in 1992, and continuing today as a modern technical university. It is focussed on delivering teaching and research in the fields of technology, mathematics and natural sciences, business and media. It emphasises innovation and interdisciplinarity.

TU Ilmenau houses a cosmopolitan campus, where students and academics are encouraged to embrace intercultural diversity and engage in research which promotes the transfer of knowledge to society. The research environment at TU Ilmenau is entrepreneurial, welcoming, open-minded and focussed on continuous personal development.

Technische Universität Ilmenau’s Campus

University Structure

Research Focuses

TU Ilmenau is a “research-strong” university and defines three profile lines as interdisciplinary subject areas of basic research. All departments at the university demonstrate research which aligns with these profile lines:

  • Functional Materials and Technologies
    • For applications in Sensor Technology, Electronic Engineering, Energy Technology, Communication Technology or Bio-Systems Technology
  • Intelligent Sensing and Precision Metrology
    • For applications in Sensory Systems or Modern Computer Technology
  • Complex Systems and Data-Intensive Engineering
    • For application in Micro Systems Technology, Digital Media Technology, Software and Automation Technology, Mobile Communications, Measurement Technology, Sensor Technology, Medical Technology, Fluid Engineering and Social Media Communication

In addition, there are also Research Institutes which support this work:

  • Institute for Automotive and Production Engineering
  • Thuringian Energy Research Institute (ThEFI)
  • Institute for Life Science Technologies (LisTec)
  • Institute for Media and Mobile Communication
  • Institute for Micro-and Nanotechnologies
  • Institute for Materials Technology

International Relations

In research, TU Ilmenau has formal cooperation agreements with over 140 universities and research institutes worldwide and with over 300 commercial enterprises, including global players such as BMW, Bosch, Jenoptik, Telekom and SAP. In teaching, the TU Ilmenau maintains cooperation agreements with more than 110 universities in 50 countries.

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