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Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte

Operational Board Member

Professor Dr Nan Qi
Deputy International Relations Officer

Institution's website
Operational Board Member Photo

Location: Natal, Brazil (South America) 

Overview of University 

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) is a leading educational and research institution based in Natal, Brazil. Their mission is to promote excellence in teaching, research, and extension activities, contributing to the development of society and fostering sustainable and inclusive growth. UFRN aim to be recognised nationally and internationally as a reference in education, research, and innovation, with a commitment to social responsibility and sustainable development. 

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte’s Campus.

University Structure 


A list of the departments at UFRN can be found here.

Interdisciplinary Cores 

  • Advancement of Public Policies 
  • Studies in Collective Health and Nutrition 
  • Agriculture and Fishing 
  • Education for Sciences 
  • Studies for Marine Resources 
  • Studies for Oil and Renewable Energies 
  • Environmental Studies 
  • Disaster Research 
  • Studies in Sexual Diversity, Gender and Human Rights 

Research Focuses 

UFRN’s Research Policy is outlined by three guiding principles: 

  • Structuring of Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation for Social Development: UFRN delivers research within the socioeconomic interests of the State of Rio Grande do Norte, while promoting the production of universal knowledge and studying strategic areas such as regional development, sustainable conservation, hydric resources, energy focuses, aquiculture, health and governance public policies, environment, tourism, biotechnology and nanotechnology. 
  • UFRN insertion in the National Science, Technology and Innovation System: UFRN is working to protect its intellectual production and advance its connections with economically relevant sectors within industry, business, and governmental authorities. 
  • Consolidation of Networks and Centers for Research: UFRN is working to guarantee future researchers by focusing on the human resources needed to support research groups. The work will continue to support current consolidated research groups and offer opportunities and support for physical infrastructure and financial resource to begin groups which operate transdisciplinary. 

International Collaboration 

UFRN has over 100 formal cooperation agreements, with around 25 educational institutions within Brazil and 90 more worldwide. The main partners vary from faculty to faculty and the focuses of the work carried out. 

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