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Women’s University in Africa

Operational Board Member

Dr Solomon Mombeshora
Director of Quality Assurance

Institution's website

Location: Harare, Zimbabwe (Africa)

Overview of the University

Women’s University in Africa (WUA) is a private, multi-disciplinary institution that was established in 2002, with a head office located in Harare, and with satellite campuses in Bulawayo, Marondera, Kadoma and Mutare in Zimbabwe. WUA seeks to enhance women’s capacity through the provision of higher education which enables women to fulfil political, economic, social and leadership roles free from the gender based violence. WUA considers the empowerment of women to be absolutely critical for substantive economic growth and improved democratic governance.

Women’s University in Africa’s Campus

University Structure

Research Focuses

WUA undertakes research and participates in research activities linked to their faculties and to their goal to enhance women’s capacities. As such, they have a strong research background in Gender Based Violence against Young Women and Adolescent Girls.

International Relations

WUA participates with universities across their geopolitical region, and worldwide.

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