Technology and its role in the transformation of Higher Education
Thursday 3 October 201909:20 – 10:20
When: Thursday 3 October 2019, 09:20 – 10:30AM
What: Plenary – panel presentations and discussion
Overview: This session will hear from a range of higher education leaders giving their view on technology’s role in the transformation of higher education. Drawing on examples they will reflect on how technology is currently influencing the development of their institutions and driving change in the sector or, envision influences on the horizon.
Confirmed Speakers:
- Professor Valentine Aletor, Vice-Chancellor, University of Africa, Toru-Orua – Challenges of Biotechnology Skills Acquisition and Diffusion in Nigeria’s HE Ecosystem: Some Lessons from UAT
Dr. Tassaneewan Laksanasopin, Lecturer and Deputy Director of HATCH, King Mongkutt’s University of Technology Thornburi – Enhancing student success through technology - Dr Perry Share, Project Manager, Connacht Ulster Alliance: Data Analytics and how they might lead to personalised HE
- Professor Alex Zelinsky, Vice-Chancellor and President, University of Newcastle: Transforming Higher Education through engagement with industry’
Contributors Required: This session will require four speakers who will each have up to ten minutes to make a short presentation before opening to a wider discussion. One of the speakers will act as Chair.
Please register your interest to speak by emailing or to discuss call +44 (0)1274 233244.