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WTUN News Roundup – April 2024

Welcome to this month’s roundup of the stories, updates and events happening across the World Technology Universities Network.


WTUN News:

  • Last week, we announced that the WTUN will be attending NAFSA 2024 in New Orleans. WTUN Development Manager, Denise Whitehead, will be attending from 27 – 31 May and is looking forward to meeting colleagues old and new. If you or your organisation will be there and would like to meet up to discuss opportunities for International Collaboration, please get in touch at wtun@bradford.ac.uk
  • We will be announcing the winners of the Brian Cantor Scholarship Prize, shortly. Keep your eyes out for the announcement!

WTUN Members ONLY:

  • The WTUN hopes to mark International Women in Engineering Day 2024, as we did for 2023. This year’s INWED theme is ‘Enhanced by Engineering’. A call will be shared with members shortly to convene speakers and panellists. If you would like to suggest a topic for a session or have any other ideas, please contact the WTUN Secretariat at wtun@bradford.ac.uk.

News from our Members:


Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan

  • SIT researchers explore the growing concern around obesity and its links to memory loss. When observed in mice, obesity decreases learning ability and increases brain oxidation, but using tocotrienols as a supplement can help to prevent this decline. The researchers are calling for further investigation to understand how obesity impacts oxidative stress on the brain. Read the full story here.

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia

  • UTM discusses research-led teaching and how it aims to bridge the gap between theory and practice. By incorporating latest research findings, methodologies, and debates into the classroom, research-led educators ensure that students are exposed to the most up-to-date knowledge in their field of study. These students are also enabled to engage, question, and contribute to the ongoing discourse around their chosen subject. Read the full story here.

North America:

Southern Alberta Institute of Technology, Canada

  • SAIT’s Applied Research and Innovation Services (ARIS) has shared two stories on its recent work and research:
    • Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS), also known as drones, are being used for a variety of tasks. Researchers at ARIS are uncovering new ways to utilise drones across a variety of industries. From delivering medical supplies to remote access communities to use in infrastructure inspections where human access is difficult or unsafe, drones can be used to improve safety, expand data collection and provide new perspectives. Read the full story here.
    • Researchers at ARIS have developed a new device which can bring real-time measurement to the on-shore oil market. This device, is smaller, cleaner and more efficient, and prevents the need to separate out oil, gas and water in pipes to measure their ratios. With this device, there is capacity to monitor in real-time, increase safety, reduce downtime, and lower greenhouse gas emissions. Read the full story here.


Atlantic Technological University, Ireland

  • ATU announces 60 PhD scholarships under the Technological University Research and Innovation Supporting Enterprise (TU RISE) scheme. Scholarships are available in a range of disciplines such as Advanced Manufacturing & Engineering; Audiovisual & Creative; and Renewable Energy, Climate Change Mitigation & Sustainability. All PhDs are funded with a fee waiver and an annual stiped of €22,000 per year over the 4-year programme. The programme also includes an internship with a related business. International students may also be eligible for a two-year post-graduate work permit to work in Ireland. Find out more here.

Technische Universität Ilmenau, Germany

  • Researchers at TU Ilmenau are optimizing the manufacturing for chrome coatings, which could produce higher quality, more environmentally friendly and economical sanitary fittings. They have been able to achieve this by using artificial intelligence and digital tools. Read the full story here.

University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Austria


University of Newcastle, Australia

  • A team of researchers has developed a platform to define the impact of exposure to landscape fire smoke on the heart and lungs. The platform is the first of its kind in the world. Millions of people in Australia, and worldwide, are exposed to bushfire or wildfire smoke which can decrease cardiac function  and increase respiratory or cardiovascular symptoms. Read the full story here.

To discuss joining the Network please contact the WTUN Development Manager
Denise Whitehead
Email: wtun@bradford.ac.uk

© World Technology Universities Network 2025